  机器人学研究室   综合办公室
Robotics Laboratory   Office of General Affairs
水下机器人研究室   党务工作办公室
Marine Robotics Department   Office of The Party Affairs
空间自动化技术研究室   重大项目管理办公室
Center for Space Automation Technology & Systems   Major Project Management Affairs
光电信息技术研究室   科技处
Opto-Electronic Information Technology Department   Research Administration Department
智能检测与装备研究室   工程项目处
Intelligent Detection and Equipment Department   Major Project Management Department
智能产线与系统研究室   科技促进发展处
Intelligent Production Line and System Department   Department of Science & Technology for Development
海洋机器人前沿技术中心   人事教育处
Center for Innovation Marine Robotics   Human Resources and Education Department
工业控制网络与系统研究室   财务处
Industrial Control Network and System Department   Accounting Department
海洋信息技术装备中心   条件处
Center of Marine Information Technology and Engineering   Physical Resources Department
数字工厂研究室   基建处
Digital Factory Department   Infrastructure Department
工艺装备与智能机器人研究室   质量管理处
Manufacturing Equipment and Intelligent Robotics Department   Quality Management Department
水下智能无人装备研究室   保密处
Oceanic Underwater Robot Technology and Engineering Department   Confidentiality Department
机电产品制造中心   监督审计处
Electromechanical Products Manufacturing Center   Supervision and Auditing Departnent
检验检测认证中心   文献情报中心
Inspection,Testing & Certification Center   Center for Documentation and Infprmation
  Information Center