主要从事水下机器人技术研究、水下机器人系统开发与工程应用,是国内最早开展水下机器人技术研发,并以此为核心研究方向的专业水下机器人研发团队。从上世纪七十年代末至今,水下机器人研究室在水下机器人技术领域创造了多项全国第一,研究成果获得多项国家级和省部级科技成果奖,其中包括国家科技进步一等奖、中科院科技进步特等奖、中科院杰出科技成就奖等。研制的水下机器人装备面向救助打捞、海洋资源探测、深水油气工程、海洋科学研究、海洋工程等应用领域,目前已经形成了包括遥控水下机器人、自主水下机器人、自主/ 遥控水下机器人、水下作业工具等系列实用的水下机器人技术装备。水下机器人研究室目前在职员工90 余人,其中研究员10人、博士生导师4 人。
Marine Robotics Department
The mission of the Marine Robotics Department, Shenyang Institute of Automation (SIA-MRD) is to carry advanced technology research and technology advancement in oceanic applications. The activities include the development and commercialization of ocean engineering instruments, and providing technical support of maritime operations, etc. Since the late 1970s, the Marine Robotics Department has created several firsts in the field of underwater robotics in China. Since then, it has achieved a prominent record decorated by a number of significant innovations at the national level, which are recognized by numerous provincial and national awards for science and technology. The major awards include first class Science and Technology Progress Award issued by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, first class National Science and Technology Progress Award issued by the Chinese Government,and Outstanding Scientific and Technological Achievement Award issued by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Current research and development are organized around the following themes: rescue and recovery equipments, maritime survey, deepwater oil and gas engineering, marine scientific instruments, and other applications. Series of marine equipments have been successfully developed, including Remotely Operated underwater Vehicles (ROVs), Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs), Autonomous & Remotely operated underwater Vehicles (ARVs), underwater manipulators, and other underwater equipments, most of them are maintained in deployable conditions. SIA-MRD hosts more than ninety researchers and staff members, among them are ten full professors.
Main Research Areas